Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fooled by love - Women come forward after being loved and left dry by Casanova

KUALA LUMPUR: Four women who discovered they were dating the same man, who eventually cheated them of their money, have banded together to make sure the same fate does not befall other women.

The women had been seeing the 30-year-old Casanova for about a month when he started asking for money.

One victim, who wished to be known only as Tang, 28, said the man she knew as Ken Isaac told her his business was having financial difficulties last year.

He eventually managed to borrow RM26,000, with some of the money coming from funds which Tang had set aside for her mother’s surgery.

“I was initially reluctant but I eventually gave in after he promised to return the money after three days,” said Tang.

Charmed and tricked: Chong and the victims (from left) Tang, Eng, Beh and Lee looking at a photo of the 30-year-old Casanova at his office in Kuala Lumpur Tuesday.
She lodged a police report last month after learning from Ken’s friend that he was duping her as well as other women.

The other victims, who only wanted to be known as Eng, Beh and Lee, all in their late 20s, said Ken had used many aliases – like Isaac Leong and Leong Ken Lee – to trick them.

Beh, who works in accounting, believed Ken had cheated at least two other women and a man of their money.

All the women, except Lee, have lodged police reports.

Lee was reluctant as the Casanova had threatened to “fix her” by claiming that he had connections with the police.

Eng said the conman had even seduced her friends and turned them against her when she cautioned them against going out with him.

The four women met MCA Public Services and Complaint Department head Datuk Michael Chong yesterday to urge other victims to come forward and lodge complaints.

“The only way we can get this guy is if more people come forward,” said Chong.

He said his department had received 22 cases involving such Casanovas since 2006, adding that many of the cases involved more than one victim.

“So far only two Casanovas have been successfully dealt with. But the women have lost their money and much more,” said Chong.

Source: The Star

More on this (you may use Google Translator for the next paragraph though the result may come out funny):

● 去年1月29日,32歲的受害者安妮投訴遭一名自稱美國軍醫的網友企圖騙財,更透過視頻通訊拍下她的裸照作為威脅。
● 去年2月25日,一名20余歲的女執行員遭假冒“裴勇俊”的非洲網絡騙子騙走逾12萬5千令吉。
● 去年4月2日,26歲的女執行員第一次上網交友即遇上網絡騙子,遭對方騙走逾1萬令吉。
● 去年4月14日,44歲寡婦因感情空虛,遭比她年輕10歲的非洲男友設愛情陷阱,騙財騙色,損失10萬令吉。
● 去年5月24日,28歲女書記驚覺男友已婚而要求分手,結果遭對方以裸照威脅。在這之前,已婚男騙了她的4萬2千令吉。
● 去年6月4日,47歲家庭主婦受網絡老千甜言蜜語所騙而陷入愛情陷阱,結果遭對方以投資為名,騙走120萬令吉。
● 去年7月8日,50歲的中年女子遭網絡愛情騙子所騙,曾三度匯錢贖回“愛情郵包”,結果被騙走10萬令吉。
● 去年7月13日,34歲的朱小姐陷入一獅城男的網絡愛情陷阱,遭對方騙走29萬令吉。她過後發現另有6名女子曾遭對方騙財,她們損失15萬令吉。
● 去年11月16日,42歲單親媽媽遭網絡詐騙集團設下的“愛情郵包”陷阱,在8個月內遭7名疑來自同一集團的騙子聯合騙走3萬8千令吉。

Source: Sinchew

Ok, after I posted a conversation about love and how stupid it can make us be, I've found that me and my buddy were not really alone in this matter, but luckily, we didn't make any massive financial losses.

Look girls, I claim to be not an anti-fraud expert, but, whenever a man with cash strapped status asking for money (especially those that has huge "cash flow" problem), take a grain of salt for whatever he said. A real man doesn't ask money from girls for ego reason.

Also, what's up with women that are obsessed with white/Caucasian males and think they're finally found their true love of life??

Stupidity level: 10/10

Update: Even guys also fall into such traps. What comes around goes around.

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